Friday, October 12, 2018

Grateful and more grateful.

Customs Officers beware! OnE of these days I am going to be so glad to get back to the USA that I actually act on my impulse to hug you. Seeing the world is such a gift, but it is so good to be home!

A little early, actually. For some reason I never adjusted to the altitude in Azrou. But I got a full week of volunteering in, reconnected with old friends and saw rural Morocco. It was a good trip.

If you are going top invest in  up and coming property, look to Azrou, Morocco. They are poised to be a bedroom community to Ifrin, the lovely resort town just 30 minutes away. The king already has a palace there, and it is the new lace for moneyed middle easterners to get away from summer heat. AND - big news - they are putting in a golf course! Already have a landing strip.

Anyway Azrou is building like crazy - apartments and new streets. every roundabout has new sculptures and plantings.

I am glad I went and glad to be home. It is one of the places I could go back to - at sea level! Blessings and 1000 thanks to Bob who understands my off tour need to travel and is always waiting with a big hug at the airport.

1 comment:

  1. I finally caught up with your posts, Robin. Did you have an altitude headache the whole time? You had a high-altitude trip in the past, I thought. I had altitude sickness in Colorado once and I was miserable. Your posts sound like you accomplished a lot, in spite of it all.
